Thursday, February 10, 2011

So it's official...

Got word today from Chuck that the request for permits has been processed - for some reason I thought it would take much longer, but we now have a Put In Date: July 28, 2011!!!

It seems so far away right now. In reality there is much to be done however - getting less fat and less lazy is #1 on the list, gathering my Unbelievably Lightweight Crap together is right up there too. In a perfect world (where I have access to unlimited funds) I would be carrying a pack that weighed less than 15 pounds but if I can get in  under 20 pounds I will be satisfied. That's a base weight mind you - food, water and the odd bottle of corn liquor will add to that of course, though with the amount of resupplies we have planned I hope to carry less than 30 pounds at any given time.

Note to self: Eat better and learn to use that fancy dehydrator Cali just bought!

Note to self #2: GO HIKING, DUMBASS!!

So yes - things have gotten more serious now that there are real world dates to be reckoned with. The permit we have been granted lists the following:
Entry Date: 07/28/2011
Entry Trailhead: Happy Isles->Sunrise/Merced Lake (pass through)
Exit Date: 08/24/2011
Exit Trailhead: Whitney Portal

Along the way we will be joined at various times by esteemed guests like Kristofer and Cali with hopes of seeing the DiFiori's and Wendie at least once!

Excited? You betcha! 

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